Success! You've Claimed Your Free Meditation Gift Below! Now, Continue Your Transformation with a Free Discovery Call With Me...

Your Next Step After the Free Training?
A Game-Changing Discovery Call.

Your Next Step After the Free Training?
A Game-Changing Discovery Call.

You've gone through the training, and now, a new dawn awaits you. This discovery call is your sunrise, the start of a fresh day where you're closer to your dreams than ever before. I offer a depth of empathy born from life experience, ensuring you feel seen, heard, understood, and accepted. In our judgment-free call, we'll explore your barriers and limiting beliefs, creating a safe space for vulnerability and honesty.

Together, we'll move past what no longer serves you, embarking on a journey towards your highest good!

Ignite Your Journey

Ignite Your Journey

You've been climbing the ladder of success, achieving milestones in your professional life, but something feels off. You're left feeling unfulfilled, disconnected from your inner self, your relationships and your true passions. The days blur together in a numb haze. Here's the good news: the free training was just the spark; now it's time to ignite your journey.

Just Imagine...

Feeling alive again, every day brimming with passion, purpose and the joy of being truly present in your life
Breaking free from people-pleasing tendencies, standing tall in your authentic truth and relishing the deep intimacy your soul craves.
Having a clear roadmap (that has already worked for countless clients) to balance and inner peace, navigating life's challenges with renewed confidence and resilience.

Maybe You're Thinking...

"I've Tried Every Self-Help Program and "Discovery Call" Out There...They Are All the Same And Don't Work for Me..."

As someone who has been teaching meditation for over 30 years after being trained by some of the top spiritual leaders in India and have gone on to help thousands of people...I want to challenge you on that 😏. 

Picture this: Every time you remind yourself of what you'll learn on this FREE call, you're not lost in a sea of uncertainty or bored by the same old methods. Instead, you're excited and empowered, with a curated library of effective, engaging self-love practices ready and waiting at your fingertips.

No more guesswork. No more trawling through endless online articles or repeating the same tired routines. No more wondering if this is the 'perfect' path for you.

You're about to break free from the monotony and step into a world where personal growth is personalized, dynamic, and fulfilling. A world where you have access to a treasure trove of proven, diverse self-care strategies that have transformed countless lives of women all around the world, and are about to transform yours.

Imagine The Transformation You'll Experience As You Deepen Your Connection To Your True Self, Harness The Power Of Proven Self-Love Strategies, And Align Your Heart And Mind With 1 Goal: 
Taking Control Over Your Fulfillment.
  • You're About to Learn How to:
  • Shatter the barriers that have been stifling your personal growth and joy for too long.
  • Envision the thrill of surpassing your personal milestones, exceeding your own expectations, and continuously growing more balanced and content.
  • Picture yourself standing before a mirror, witnessing a stronger, happier, more confident and fulfilled reflection.



  • Are you ready to cease the chaos and gain clarity on the exact steps you need to transform your life and elevate your fulfillment? 
  • Do you want to leave the feeling of stagnation in your personal growth behind? 
  • If this resonates with you, you're in the right place...

Introducing My FREE "The Journey-to-Joy" Consultation

I can see that spark in your eyes, the readiness for change, the anticipation to level up. You're not just dreaming of a better future, you're taking action. And that's commendable.

But remember, this is just the starting line.

Empowerment is Just a Call Away

Welcome to a journey towards transformation and empowerment. In a world that demands so much of us, it's easy to lose touch with our hearts and souls. Yet, it's there, within our deepest selves, that we find the answers to living a life of joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

That's why I'm thrilled to announce I've re-opened (a few select) "Journey-To-Joy" sessions, a free, no-strings-attached call designed for ambitious, leading-edge women who, despite their many accomplishments, feel an undercurrent of unfulfillment. Click below to apply to book a call with me!

Embrace Your Personal Transformation Journey Like Never Before 🌟

This call is more than just a conversation. It's a lifeline to the vibrant, authentic life you're meant to live. It's an opportunity to break free from the chains of numbness and routine, to rediscover your passion, and to connect deeply with your innermost self. 

It's time to redefine success on your own terms and reclaim your joy. Are you ready? The first step begins here, with this call. The transformation you've been seeking is only a conversation away. Step into your power. 

Transform Your Life, One (Inspiring) Conversation At A Time

You've got the drive and the ambition, and all you need now is the right compass. It's time to equip yourself with the insights that will set you up for genuine fulfillment. This isn't just a call; it's your personal enlightenment journey, offering transformative conversation and guidance, and ensuring you always have a pathway to traverse (so you won't just be listening to a random's like having me as your personal mentor, but with a zero-cost investment and invaluable rewards).

You're In GREAT Company...
Hear What Some Of My Clients Have to Say About This FREE Call

"Working with Pari has been a life changing opportunity."

"“I came to her uncertain of what I really wanted which led me to doubting my own abilities and feeling lost. After working with her, I regained my power back through strengthening my inner voice, becoming more decisive and allowing myself to continue on the path I was meant to fulfil. This has led me to feel more fulfilled and empowered as a woman and an entrepreneur. Thank you, Pari, for being such a strong presence in my life!”"

-— Jacqueline Chan, Italy

"Working with Pari has been a life changing opportunity."

"“I came to her uncertain of what I really wanted which led me to doubting my own abilities and feeling lost. After working with her, I regained my power back through strengthening my inner voice, becoming more decisive and allowing myself to continue on the path I was meant to fulfil. This has led me to feel more fulfilled and empowered as a woman and an entrepreneur. Thank you, Pari, for being such a strong presence in my life!”"

-— Jacqueline Chan, Italy

"Talking to Pari about my greatest desires and goals chargers me up with renewed enthusiasm and a deep confidence in my own self worth and true path."

"Pari’s dynamic energy is uplifting and invigorating. Pari is a powerfully compassionate and wise woman, who has lifted me up to believe that my true spiritual path will be my most successful and joyous path. During and after my energy healing with Pari I felt relieved of the heaviness of daily life, fresh, renewed and joyously invigorated.”

— Julia B, Utah

"Talking to Pari about my greatest desires and goals chargers me up with renewed enthusiasm and a deep confidence in my own self worth and true path."

"Pari’s dynamic energy is uplifting and invigorating. Pari is a powerfully compassionate and wise woman, who has lifted me up to believe that my true spiritual path will be my most successful and joyous path. During and after my energy healing with Pari I felt relieved of the heaviness of daily life, fresh, renewed and joyously invigorated.”

— Julia B, Utah

Now That You're Ready To Elevate Your Personal Fulfillment To The Next Level...

You've taken a massive step towards redefining success on your own terms, a success that brings genuine happiness, fulfillment, and balance. By immersing yourself in the Heart Core Reboot system, you've begun to unlock your true potential and rediscover the joy and vibrancy that's been yearning to break free.

But remember, the completion of this training isn't the end. Instead, it's a beautiful new beginning.

So, you've watched the training, you've seen the possibilities. Now, it's your turn to seize control. This discovery call is more than just a conversation; it's an opportunity for you to take the steering wheel of your life. 

It's your moment to ask questions, explore your fears, and start working towards overcoming them. 

I can’t wait to meet you and find out more about how we can transform your life from the inside out .

(While you ponder, wondering if this free discovery call is worth your time, my satisfied and enlightened clients are using these same resources to continue deepening their personal practices and experiencing life-changing results...)

Break Free From Numbness For Good

On this FREE call, we'll explore how to customize the strategies you've learned in the training to fit your unique path. We'll discuss how to keep the momentum going, using these tools to continuously transform your life.

Think of this call as the first step towards your rebirth. It's your golden ticket to take everything you've soaked up from the training, peel back the layers, and start sculpting a life that's authentically yours. Are you ready to flip the script and begin a fresh chapter?

HURRY! This FREE offer won't last long!

Only a limited number of FREE discovery calls are available...

No More Neglecting Your Needs: Book Your Discovery Call Now

JUST $97


Stop sidelining your needs and start honoring your well-being.

From The Desk of: Gusten Sun
To: Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

Subject: "Websites don't make you any money!"

We all know that Sales Funnels are the key to converting 'clicks' into cashflow, right?

I think that's getting more clear and clear, specially in the 'digital marketing' space.


What I’ve noticed after building over 200 sales funnels for online business owners is that nobody has time to build sales funnels from scratch.

Let’s be honest. I have kids. My daughter wants to use my iMac to watch Peppa pig when all I wanna do is build funnels.

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not a really techy person, I don’t know how to use Photoshop and I certainly don’t know how to code a website.

Plus when was the last time you went to a website, scrolled through the 147 tabs in their menu and said “HA, there it is. Exactly what I needed”

It doesn’t happen. Websites are more like brochures, can look nice but not really make you any money. Kinda like most protein bars. They taste good, but you know regular chocolate is probably healthier than that thing.

So how do you build wildly profitable sales funnels if you don’t have a lot of time or you’re not sure where to start?

It’s great question, and after working with so many entrepreneurs all the way from aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make their first dollar online to 8 figure entrepreneurs wanting to improve conversions on their current ones, I’ve finally cracked the code.


From The Desk of: Gusten Sun
To: Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

Subject: "Websites don't make you any money!"

We all know that Sales Funnels are the key to converting 'clicks' into cashflow, right?

I think that's getting more clear and clear, specially in the 'digital marketing' space.


What I’ve noticed after building over 200 sales funnels for online business owners is that nobody has time to build sales funnels from scratch.

Let’s be honest. I have kids. My daughter wants to use my iMac to watch Peppa pig when all I wanna do is build funnels.

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not a really techy person, I don’t know how to use Photoshop and I certainly don’t know how to code a website.

Plus when was the last time you went to a website, scrolled through the 147 tabs in their menu and said “HA, there it is. Exactly what I needed”

It doesn’t happen. Websites are more like brochures, can look nice but not really make you any money. Kinda like most protein bars. They taste good, but you know regular chocolate is probably healthier than that thing.

So how do you build wildly profitable sales funnels if you don’t have a lot of time or you’re not sure where to start?

It’s great question, and after working with so many entrepreneurs all the way from aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make their first dollar online to 8 figure entrepreneurs wanting to improve conversions on their current ones, I’ve finally cracked the code.


From The Desk of: Gusten Sun
To: Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

Subject: "Websites don't make you any money!"

We all know that Sales Funnels are the key to converting 'clicks' into cashflow, right?

I think that's getting more clear and clear, specially in the 'digital marketing' space.


What I’ve noticed after building over 200 sales funnels for online business owners is that nobody has time to build sales funnels from scratch.

Let’s be honest. I have kids. My daughter wants to use my iMac to watch Peppa pig when all I wanna do is build funnels.

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not a really techy person, I don’t know how to use Photoshop and I certainly don’t know how to code a website.

Plus when was the last time you went to a website, scrolled through the 147 tabs in their menu and said “HA, there it is. Exactly what I needed”

It doesn’t happen. Websites are more like brochures, can look nice but not really make you any money. Kinda like most protein bars. They taste good, but you know regular chocolate is probably healthier than that thing.

So how do you build wildly profitable sales funnels if you don’t have a lot of time or you’re not sure where to start?

It’s great question, and after working with so many entrepreneurs all the way from aspiring entrepreneurs looking to make their first dollar online to 8 figure entrepreneurs wanting to improve conversions on their current ones, I’ve finally cracked the code.



This isn't just another "forgettable, unfulfilling" call that fades into memory...It's personalized and step-by-step guidance to experience transformational Fulfilling growth and a deepened connection with your inner self! After the call, you can wave goodbye to:

No More Self-Doubt: Say farewell to the paralyzing doubts and embrace your inherent worth.

No More Feeling Stuck: Abandon the stagnant waters and dive into the flow of progress.

No More Living on Autopilot: Trade the numbness of routine for a life lived fully and consciously.


  • MicrohabitSecrets Course ($1,191 Value!)
      • BONUS #1: Mastering Technical Habits System ($497 Value!)
      • BONUS #2: Success Habits Mindmap ($397 Value!)
      • BONUS #3: Exclusive Facebook Community ($97 Value!)
      • 15-Day Money Back Guarantee 
      • Instant Digital Delivery 

      TOTAL VALUE: $2,182

      TODAY: JUST $9

      Time Is Of The Essence...

      Here's why...

      Right now, I have a limited number of slots available for these exclusive Free Discovery Calls... and once they're taken... they're gone!

      If you're reading this, then the offer is still available. However, I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

      The undeniable truth is...

      With each passing moment of indecision, you risk missing out on this transformative opportunity. Ambitious women just like you are already beginning their journeys, taking strides towards their true fulfillment. The longer you wait, the further you'll be from your true potential.

      With the Heart Core Reboot system and our personalized call, you can ignite your journey to fulfillment and joy today.

      This program, carefully curated and backed by countless success stories, has already guided numerous individuals just like you to redefine their idea of success and achieve astonishing results. But to reap the benefits of this empowering experience, you need to act swiftly.

      Don't let another day go by without taking a step towards reclaiming your life and joy.

      The Free Discovery Call will equip you with insights, understanding, and a personalized approach to your unique journey, bolstering your path with potent, proven strategies.

      With this valuable opportunity, you'll invigorate your journey towards fulfillment and achieve unprecedented personal growth.

      This call unlocks a pathway designed to propel your personal progression to new heights.

      So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this transformative opportunity today and start enjoying the countless benefits... before this incredible offer is no longer available!

      ...and instead of charging MY regular price of $97 for discovery calls, I'M giving IT away for you...


      This free call takes you beyond the superficial layers of success. This engages you on a deeper level, prompting you to unearth your inner potential and empower yourself through the joy of personal transformation.

      ...and you can experience that for yourself today.

      • Feel a surge of self-realization as you journey through each discussion, discovering depths of yourself you never knew existed.
      • Build unshakeable self-confidence as you witness your life transform and reach new milestones of personal fulfillment.
      • Enjoy increased mental clarity and focus as our conversation sparks insights, reduces stress, and cultivates a sense of overall well-being.


      They think $9 is way too low.
      And I know what they mean. But, I might change my mind.

      I may decide to agree with my friends and increase the price soon for the program. But for now, you can now get the exact no-fluff training and strategies to transform your fear and insecurities into life-long confidence to defend yourself in any situation...for less than the price of 2 Starbucks coffees for the skills and knowledge for life to defend any close range unarmed attack


      OUR 100% PROMISE 


      If you are not happy for whatever reason after buying, then I will gladly refund your money! 

      Copyright 2023
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